The Global Sector Strategies: Investor interventions to accelerate net zero steel report was developed by IIGCC as part of the Global Sector Strategies, a new workstream coordinated by the investor networks that deliver Climate Action 100+.
The report aims to help investors accelerate the steel sector’s transition to net zero by further informing their expectations of company transition plans. It identifies specific challenges to delivering net zero in the steel sector, the actions required by steelmakers to address these and how investors can accelerate progress. Read IIGCC’s press release here.
The report will be used as a tool by investor signatories that are actively engaging with steel companies on the Climate Action 100+ focus list, through sector-wide dialogue that encourages collaborative action and individual engagement.
“As investors, we are ready to play our part to accelerate this transition…We commit to lending our voice to drive the required change amongst this broader ecosystem.”
For more information about the Global Sector Strategies workstream, read our blog here.