
Find the latest statements from the Climate Action 100+ below. For media enquiries please contact [email protected].

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Investors engaging American Electric Power through Climate Action 100+ welcome company’s first trade association climate lobbying report

Electric utilities are in a position to prosper during the energy transition – since decarbonization is a huge opportunity to deploy capital and grow earnings. Investors, however, need disclosure on climate lobbying so that they can judge whether companies are aligning their lobbying activities with ambitiously pursuing this multi-billion-dollar opportunity and are not lobbying against their best interests.

Climate Action 100+ announces its second phase

The initiative has evolved its core goals, improved and expanded the ways investors can participate, and enhanced the investor engagement model. The new phase, running until 2030, intends to inspire a global scale up in active ownership, markedly shifting the focus from corporate climate-related disclosure to the implementation of climate transition plans.

2023 Proxy Season: Just Transition

Planning for a Just Transition is no longer a trade off with the necessary pace of decarbonization, but a vital consideration on the route to net zero. Read more about the Just Transition here as part of our proxy season explainer series.

Climate Action 100+ releases the latest evolution of the Net Zero Company Benchmark

In consultation with investor signatories, the initiative releases today an updated Benchmark (Benchmark 2.0) to ensure that it continues to effectively support investor engagements with focus companies during this critical decade. The enhancements made intend to embed a stronger focus on emissions reductions, alignment with 1.5°C pathways and the robustness of transition plans.

2023 Proxy Season: An introduction to climate lobbying

With the first round of flagged votes released Monday, Climate Action 100+ continues its explanatory series on all things proxy season. This week's article covers investor approaches to climate lobbying, including climate lobbying disclosure proposals.

2023 Proxy Season: An introduction to flagged votes

As the 2023 North America and Europe proxy seasons approach, Climate Action 100+ will begin to flag votes pertaining to climate action. But what does it all mean? Below we cover some of the frequently asked questions to demystify the process.